O machado anão do planeta assis.
(Axe of Assis) -Hello, are you the dwarf planet Pluto?
(dog Pluto) -No, i'm the dog Pluto, woof, see?
(dwarf Planet) -And I am the dwarf Planet, can't you see my axe?
(Axe of Assis) -And I am the Axe of Assis, Pluto. Can't you see my dwarf planet?
(dwarf Planet) -I am not your dwarf, I am as free as every dwarf named Planet.
(dwarf planet Pluto) -I am the dwarf planet Pluto, and I am property of the Axe of Assis.
(Assis) -I am Assis, and I am the owner of both my axe and that pesky planet.
(dwarf Planet) -Oh no you are not my owner, my axe will prove it!
(Axe) -My name is Axe, and I demand of you, Assis, to stop wielding me. Therefore, I shall be the axe of Planet, and Assis shall be my enemy.
(Assis) -Does this mean treason?
(dwarf Planet) -Now I have two axes and one dwarf planet. I want Pluto to resolve this situation.
(dog Pluto) -Woof!
(dwarf planet Pluto) -Oh, obtuse dog, it is me they are talking about. I, as the speaker of truth and keeper of all the souls shall not be disputed by Assis, Planet or anyone else. The dwarf Planet owns me, Pluto, as he owns the Axe of Assis, which shall now be called Axe of Planet, and not a body shall interfere in my supreme decision. Also, it is my decision that the infamous dog Pluto shall be mine, but with another name. Hereby, I baptize Pluto as Cerberus, and he will be the gatekeeper of my glorious entrance, wich is named, by the way, Entrance Of The Dwarf Planet Pluto.
(Assis) -Entrance of the dwarf Planet, Pluto?
(dwarf planet Pluto) -Don't you dare call me by the name, mortal.
(Cerberus) -Planet, I am not happy with the decisions of your planet.
(dwarf Planet) -Are you Puto? Unfortunately, you don't have a choice, Cerberus, so bear with it.
(Assis) -Haha, entrance of the dwarf Planet, you puto?
(dwarf Planet puto) -Now you really pissed me off, you ugly bastard.